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Why You Should Have a Word of the Year (And How to Choose Yours!)

Words are powerful — we all know this from experience, and there’s decades of studies to back that impression up. One tiny string of letters and syllables can hold so much meaning! Words have the ability to shape our thoughts, influence our actions, and mold our perceptions.

That’s why we recommend choosing a word for the year.

Choosing a word to define and guide your journey for the year ahead taps into this power. My chosen words have manifested in very tangible ways over the years, and sometimes (most times) in ways I never could have imagined.

Here is where I provide my friendly - “careful what you wish for” - type of warning :) For example, one year I chose the word “opulent”, which by definition means - ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish. This was the word that spoke to me after spending over a year in pandemic lockdown, I liked the way it rolled off my tongue and for whatever reason it just made me light up inside. At the end of the “opulent” year my husband kindly asked me to “choose a less expensive word”, as we could not afford to have another word like “opulent” next year. Ooops!

No regrets though - I really cherish that year of over-the-top moments and the memories. Some years were more focused on personal growth so I chose words like “mindfulness” or “explore” or one year where I needed some extra positivity, I simply chose the word “smile”.

How to really make this work for you:

Selecting a word of the year is anything but random; it's a deliberate and thoughtful process that requires introspection. After all, this word is going to be with you all year, you want it to be something that speaks to your biggest goals and moves your life and work in the direction you want.

So start there:

Reflect on your goals. Consider your personal and professional aspirations for the coming year. What themes or values do you want to prioritize? When you look back on this January in December, what overall arc do you want to see in your year?

Then explore synonyms. Specificity matters here, so look for synonyms that resonate with your intentions. Sometimes, a slightly different word can capture the essence of your goals more accurately.

Seek inspiration. Read books, articles, or quotes that resonate with you. Pay attention to words that consistently appear and evoke a strong response. If something keeps tugging at your attention, chances are it’s aligned with one of your larger values. And since your values are the foundation of any great work (or for that matter, a great life), it’s well worth tuning into those nudges.

Visualize success. What would it look like to have achieved your goals by the end of the year? Imagine yourself achieving your goals and consider the emotions associated with that success. Choose a word that encapsulates those feelings so it can act as an anchor, grounding you and keeping you on track throughout the year.

For PointNorth, we've chosen Evolve as our 2024 word.

The dictionary definition states: develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form

We are no strangers to change, progress, and development - both as a company and in the work we do with our clients. But the word evolve is different from change, pivot, or growth. It is the larger journey of all of those things, it is the arc over time toward a better, more advantageous version of ourselves. With five years behind us, and the start-up mode in our rearview, we are adapting, growing, and responding to the pressures that come with successfully shifting into a long-term, sustainable business. In 2024 we will grow our team and our work in the Puget Sound region, we will continue to strengthen our core services in market sectors where we add value while leaning hard into the systems and resources we have built over the last five years for support and steadiness. It is a pivotal year for PointNorth, and as we center the word evolve - may we remember our evolution as a firm is a long-term commitment to making each day count while keeping the perspective to see our overall positive trajectory through time. And it wouldn’t hurt to keep an eye out for the unexpected “mutation,” as it may be the key to survival.

Finally…there’s no wrong time to set a word of the year.

Many people feel like they have to get it set before Jan 1, but the truth is, we’re all easing into the year, and you can often gain more clarity into the character you want your year to have after living a few weeks into it.

So go ahead and join us in choosing a word of the year, and share what it is in the comments below so we can jointly envision your success!